Friday, November 20, 2009

Ignited Minds

Well, everyone know... its a book... written by a great indian scientist Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. Murali reading books - its a rare event of probablity nearing zero. But, suddenly a jackal jumped out of my mind and said - "Murali, why can't you try reading a book written by your role model". This is where everything started and i ended up in writing this blog...

Of course, its been a hard time when i started as i was new to reading more than 10 pages at a time. Later, the book drove me at top gears to the half century of pages. At some point of time, every sentence was throwing thousands of questions on me... i dont have anything to give back.

But, continuing the process of getting my Minds Ignited...


  1. and by the way, I'm following your blog thro' RSS... so keep writing...

  2. welcome. I have always felt my greatest companion are my finest books. :)

  3. Welcome to the world of bloggers. I believe it satisfies our quest in finding ourselves in this real small world ;)
